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S I T T I N G  I N  T H E  P O W E R 

20 F E B  -  12 M A R  2024

One of the main difficulties that students often face is creating a habit that allows the practice of meditation to become a part of their daily life. It is this difficulty that has inspired Andy to create this 4 - week online course. 


Andy will breakdown each part of the practice for you, and provide you with specific experiences that will help you to focus and become competent with each aspect:



B U Y  N O W

S E E  M O R E

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T H E  E V I D E N T I A L  
M E D I U M 

3  J U L Y  -  31  J U L Y  2024

Evidential Mediumship is much more than just giving evidence about those in the Spirit World, our job is to meet the need of the Spirit person by giving them a voice, and allowing them to express what it is they need to express to their loved one. This course is not suitable for absolute beginners, as it will be focussing on helping you deepen your evidence and become your communicator so that we not only unfold the spirit person's life story, but also feel the presence of them. 

B U Y  N O W

S E E  M O R E

E X P E R I M E N T A L 
M E D I U M S H I P 

13 N O V - 4 D E C 2024

It is important, throughout our development, to push the boundaries of our mediumship, and constantly work outside of our comfort zones. This helps us not only build trust with those we work with in the spirit world, and in our mediumship, but it also shows us what is possible. During this course, Andy will push the boundaries of your mediumship by inviting you to take part in experiments that will move you outside of your comfort zone. A very practical course that isn't suitable for beginners. 

B U Y  N O W

S E E  M O R E

P R I V A T E  S I T T I N G  

23 A P R  -  14 M A Y  2024

The real work of the medium takes place within the private sitting, as it affords us to meet the need of the recipient so that they live a life more in keeping with the qualities and natural expression of their soul. During this course, Andy will take you through various aspects of the private sittings, both psychic and mediumistic, through talks and practical exercises. 

B U Y  N O W

S E E  M O R E

B R E A K I NG  B A R R I E R S 

18  S E P T  -  16 O C T  2024

To master our mediumship, we have to master ourselves. Often it is our insecurities, fears, and lack of trust in ourself that prevents us from surrendering and becoming at one with our Spirit Communicator. Each week Andy will focus on a common barrier that holds students back in their mediumship, and will provide guidance and exercises  to help you break your barriers. 

B U Y  N O W

S E E  M O R E

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T H E  P R O G R A M 


The Complete Medium Suite includes all of the new 2024 online courses. In addition to this there will also be a practice day with Andy, which will be exclusively for those who have registered on The Complete Medium Suite.

T H E  C O M P L E T E  
M E D I U M  S U I T E

F E B  2024  -  D E C  2024

B U Y  N O W

S E E  M O R E

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