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 M E N T O R S H I P 


P R O G R E S S I V E  G R O U P


"The faculty of Mediumship is a natural expression of the soul and it is for this reason that true mediums are born and not made. We must first go through a period of self awareness, so that we can understand for ourselves what the true expression of our soul is. Once we know that being a Medium is part of our life’s purpose, we are then ready to begin learning our art."

"It is important to me that we produce rounded mediums. Many students just want to learn through practical exercises, but experience has taught me that it is those students who have a depth of knowledge and understanding that go on to become good mediums"

 - Andy Byng

T H E  P R O G R E S S I V E  G R O U P  

For those students who are serious about their mediumistic development, progressive training can be very beneficial. As progressive groups contain the same students for a fixed period of time, the tutor can move the whole group forward together, rather than having to go back to the beginning every time a new student joins the group.

The progressive group thus enables the tutor to get to know each student as an individual, which allows for a more tailored tuition that focuses on the particular needs of each student. Also, it allows the tutor to deliver a deeper and more progressive program of teaching: the student really gets to understand and embed their tutor’s teachings, which undoubtedly has a positive impact on the student’s development.

Andy is establishing an online progressive group, and students who sign up to the course are committing to the following training. For the best results the group has to move forward together, and missing training will hold back both the individual student, and thus the group as a whole. 

S E M I N A R S 

Over the course of the year students will take part in three, 4-day online Seminars via Zoom. There will only be a maximum of 14 students in your progressive group. Working in such a small group means that it gives me the time to be able to work individually with you, and to get to know you as an individual over the duration of the programme.  

The seminars are focused on robust practical exercises that focus on the fundamentals of your mediumistic development, and open and constructive feedback to help you strengthen and deepen your mediumistic expression. 

The dates of the seminars are as follows:


28 Feb - 3 March 2025


30 May - 2 June 2025​


24 Oct - 27 Oct 2025


The online seminars will take place from 12 - 7PM EST

O N L I N E  T U T O R I A L S

Whereas the Seminars focus on your practical development, the Online Tutorials focus on communicating the theoretical teaching and philosophical understanding of your mediumship. By creating extra space outside of the seminars to communicate this valuable teaching, it means that the seminars can be dedicated to practical work and feedback. 

Over the year you will be invited to 8 lectures. The sessions will consist of a talk, a practical exercise, and a Q&A session. The practical exercise will demonstrate the teaching that has been covered in the talk.

As the lectures are predominately talk-based you will be joined in these sessions by students from other progressive groups. Having the opportunity to practise with other students outside of your group is a great way of pushing the boundaries of your mediumship, and having fresh people to work with exposes you to different spirit-communicators and experiences. 

The sessions will be as follows: 

Jan 2025 - Sitting in the Power

Feb 2025 - The Personal Spiritual Journey

April 2025 - The Power of the Story

May 2025 - The Emotional Facet of the Clairsentience

Sept 2025 - The Visual Facet of the Clairsentience

Oct 2025 - Dealing With a 'No'

Nov 2025 - Unfolding the Story

Dec 2025 - The Message

M O N TH L Y  P R A C T I S E  C I R C L E S 

Four times per month there will be a practise circle that will be open to every student enrolled in a progressive group with me. Often students have difficulty in finding people to practise with, and these practise circles are a great way of meeting new people to practise with.


The practise circles give you the flexibility to practise any of the exercises that I have taught you that you feel you need to do at that particular time to further develop your mediumship. I will personally oversee these sessions, and will be on hand to offer help and guidance where needed. These sessions will be 1-hour in duration, and will take place either at 10AM ET, 2PM ET, 7PM ET OR 10PM ET and on different days of the week so that each student has at least one evening practice session each month. 

In addition to the 8 lectures, you will also be invited to two practise days, which will be 4 hours in duration, and will focus on the practical work that we are currently exploring. These sessions will take place in August 2025 and December 2025. These practise days will only be attended by the 14 people in your progressive group. The two 4-hour sessions will take place between 11am-3PM EST.

T H E  M E D I U M S H I P  P R A C T I S E  C E N T R E

Over the years of teaching mediumship I have established a facebook group dedicated to student mediums who have regularly studied under my tuition. The facebook group is a platform for people to arrange to practise with each other in their free time. As all members of the group have studied with me, they will have experience of the exercises that you will be practising, and will also be developing the same style of mediumship that you will also be working towards developing.Access to this group gives you the opportunity to practise with like-minded students, who are on the same training pathway as you are, from all over the world. It is a valuable tool to ensure that you have the opportunity to practise what you are being taught on a regular basis.

O F F I C E  H O U R S 

Alongside the practical development of your mediumship, I will also place a lot of emphasis on encouraging you to embark on your own personal spiritual journey, as the development of your mediumship depends on this. Throughout the year there will be times where you will need individual support to help you explore, and understand, aspect of your own life experiences and personal development. Each month, I set time aside where you can have a personal one-to-one appointment with me so we can discuss your personal development, and I will use the time to discuss your experiences, as well as give you tailored personal development exercises to explore your own soul and inner self, depending on the issues that you are facing. These appointments last for 20 minutes, and are available to you each month if you need them. 

D E D I C A T E D  A P P 

There will be a dedicated phone app for the online progressive group, which can also be accessed via your tablet and desktop computer. This is a great way to communicate with me, ask any questions, be kept up-to-date with everything, and share and create a close knit community. 

M O N T H L Y  H O M E W O R K  A S S I G N M E N T 

Each month I will set you a homework assignment which can be completed in the online practise circles. This is designed to give you exercises that if practised regularly will help you to master the various aspects of the teaching programme.  

A  F R E E  O N L I N E  C O U R S E

In 2025 I will be delivering several 4-week online speciality courses. As a member of the Online Progressive Group, you are able to join one of these courses free of a charge.


C E R T I FI C A T E  O F  C O M P L E T I O N

I will issue you with a certificate of completion at the end of the third seminar, to officially celebrate the end of the programme and to mark your achievements during the year.

R E G I S T R A T I O N 

The cost of the programme is $2,495 USD for payment in full or $2,695 USD for payment plan. A deposit of $450 USD is required to secure your place.


Full Payment: the balance of $2,045 USD is due at 31st Dec 2024. Please note if you pay in full you will be able to sign up to an extra Online speciality course in addition to the one that is available to you by being a member of the progressive group.


Payment Plan Option1 : $850 USD is due on 31st Dec 2024 and you will then be invoiced $139.50 USD per month from Feb 2025 to November 2025 inclusive.


Payment Plan Option 2: We will split the $850 USD into three instalments of $283.33 USD.


The first instalment will become due on 31st Dec 2024


The second instalment will become due on 31st Jan 2025


The third instalment will become due on 28th Feb 2025.


From March 2025 to December 2025 inclusive we will then set-up a monthly PayPal invoice of $139.50 USD.




To Secure your place, please click the link below to make the $450 USD non-refundable deposit.



The group is limited to 14 participants. 




 © Andy Byng Spiritual Medium UK, 2017

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