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"A good demonstration of mediumship will move the whole audience. Through the use of factual pieces of information, it is our job to tell the story of how your loved ones lived and expressed themselves during their physical lives. 


 For me, there is nothing quite like it - laughter, joy and sometimes tears of sadness, it shows us that our loved ones who have passed away are still human, that they have not changed but are the same people, who still love us and are only but a thought away." 


- Andy byng. 

Andy will be touring Canada during 2023 and 2024, delivering messages of love and encouragement from your loved ones in the Spirit World.

The tour will be stopping in the following provinces:

Leg 1 | Alberta | June 2023

Leg 2 | Ontario | Nov 2023

Leg 3 | The Maritime Provinces | June 2024

Leg 4 | Saskatchewan | October 2024

Leg 5 | British Columbia | October 2024

During the evening, Andy will become aware of your loved ones in the Spirit World, and through the use of factual pieces of information, it is his job to tell the story of how your loved ones lived and expressed themselves during their physical lives.

At its best, mediumship has the potential to change lives, by opening our minds to the reality that when the physical body experiences the process we called death, the mind - or soul - which constitutes our personality, self-consciousness, intelligence and reason, survive. Mediumship demonstrates to us that although not physically present in our lives anymore, our friends and loved ones who have passed away are still with us, and continue to have a loving and encouraging presence within our lives.

If you have never been to an Evening of Mediumship before, please check out the video above of Andy demonstrating his mediumship to get a feeling of what the evening will be like.

  • Mar 14, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
    Orillia, 20 Mississaga St W, Orillia, ON L3V 3A6, Canada
    Doors open at 7pm for a 7:30pm start. After the evening (9pm), there will be a chance to meet Andy and ask him any questions you have about mediumship and the Spirit World.

B E T W E E N  T W O

C A N A D A   T O U R  2023-24

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