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THE                   AWAKENED       MEDIUM //       

T H E  A W A K E N E D  M E D I U M 

 4 - W E E K

O N L I N E  C O U R S E .


" The Awakened Medium has not only experienced the power of the spirit, but has a deep understanding of the nature of the power they are working with, and the nature of the mediumistic expression itself." - Andy Byng


Join Andy on this new four-week online course, which comprises of a series of in-depth lectures and practical exercises that will help you to understand the nature of the spirit and mediumship. 


Andy will explain the concepts and mechanics of your mediumship in an easy to understand way, giving you fresh perspectives on how to work with your mediumship and engage in your own personal spiritual development. 


Each lecture will also include valuable practical teaching, which will help you deepen your mediumistic expression and personal spiritual development.


Andy will also deliver either a personal development exercise, or a practical mediumistic exercise, in each session that will practically illustrate the teaching points within each lecture. 


The talks will help you understand how to better work with your mediumship, help you to educate and explain to others about the spirit world and their mediumistic expression, as well as help you to develop your own philosophical thoughts. The exercises and spiritual practices will demonstrate the teachings, and help you to deepen your own mediumship and personal development. 


30th Nov 2021 : The Medium and the Desert: The Spiritual Journey of the Medium



7th December 2021: Mediumship as a Mystical Experience



14th December 2021: The Borderland: The Joining of Two Worlds



21st December 2021: The Evolution of the Soul



Each session will last for 2 hours, and will consist of a talk, an exercise, and a question and answer session. The time of each session will be  7 - 9PM (UK Time).

Each session will be recorded, so every talk and Question and Answer Session can be viewed after the session.  

Dates (all in 2021):

Nov 30th 

Dec 7th

Dec 14th

Dec 21st


Cost: £80 (GBP)


Please note that this course is run by the Spiritualist Society of Burlington. To Register for the course you will be redirected to their Spirit Events website, where payment can be made.

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